Sunday, September 16, 2012

another silent sunday!!!

ok, maybe not too silent. sorry for the few and far between posts and lack of proof reading and grammar check! as usual work gets in the way and not to mention i was on a work trip in texas last week!!!  here are some pics of the usual suspects around my house lol. enjoy..i promise ill try to write a normal post soon. take care my friends.


  1. First, gotta love a fluffy bunny butt.
    second, looks like you had a stow away.
    Finally, how did you get her to sit with the glasses? Umbra has her own pair of shades, but she just likes to throw them.

    1. Bunny butts are the best, seeing one always reminds me I should relax once in awhile lol. The stow away didn't get very far since I didn't want cat fur all over my clothes..I guess it didn't really matter since rabbit hair is all over them anyways haha. I put the glasses on and snapped a quick pic and she threw them off as fast as I could get them on..It really depends on her mood, sometimes she'll leave them on for a few seconds before throwing. I have to be quick!

  2. All of the above,looks like everybody is happy to have you back,Speedy like to throw things to like Umbra,hmm I wonder if its a rexie thing?

    1. I had to butter her up with treats and cuddles! I was so excites to see her when I got home and she ran the other way and ignored me lol kinda hurt my feelings...I'll never understand her haha

    2. don't worry Umbra was really offended when I was away one weekend... I can't imagine what she will do when I go to florida for a month this spring jeez she will never forgive me!

      @speedy, I though throwing things was just a rabbit thing?

    3. nah my last 2 didn't throw things about not unless they thought that they were being teased
